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Custom Neon

How far away will the letters on my neon sign be readable?

How far away will the letters on my neon sign be readable?

As a general rule of thumb, your letters will be legible up to 38 feet away for each inch of letter height. Hence, 6 inch lettering would be readable up to 200 feet away. Red neon letters are most readable, and account for its popularity in open signs. Purples and yellows are least readable and are usually recommended for borders. Black backings will also increase the visibility of your sign.

Letter Height Max. ReadableDistance
4" 152 ft
5" 190 ft
6" 228 ft
8" 304 ft
10" 380 ft
12" 456 ft



Name: Emma Wang





Add:No.1809, Block 3, Kuanping Uptown, No.1952 Kaiyun Street, Chaoyang District, Changchun Jilin, China